If you have recently made the very worthwhile foray into the wine production business, then you may well be keen to learn the best way to promote your brand. These days, just having the best product isn’t enough and a lack of research on the best way to sell your line both online and off, could lead to failure. As purveyors of only the finest wines, we have been doing some thinking about this here at Octavian and given our vast experience in what can be a daunting industry, have seen fit to put together this guide on how to promote your new wine brand.

How To Approach Wine Marketing
Marketing of wine isn’t dissimilar to other forms of advertising in that these days, you really need to think about your online presence. If this is your first venture into wine promotion then the chances are no one has heard of your brand before and the best way to tackle that is to build a great website and make sure its nicely optimised and aesthetically pleasing.
If you’re technically savvy you could look to do this yourself, or alternatively set aside a marketing budget and acquire the services of a web developer and digital marketing team. Once live your site can then house all of our new wine brands going forward and allow you to utilise the power of social media.
With exciting new wine brands popping up all the time, building a great website to showcase your products can be a great way to gain a competitive and take advantage of the ever growing customer base online.
Harness The Power of Social Media
When promoting any product these days, the power of social media simply can’t be ignored. Love it or loath it, the value of platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and even Pinterest cannot be denied and as we have covered here on the Octavian Journal before, these channels lend themselves excellently to the world of fine wine. Bold imagery, evocative labelling and the story behind your new wine brand can really come into its own on social media and propel your venture to new heights.
Again, this isn’t as simple as just creating some profiles and adding your images and you may wish to seek the assistance of specialist social media marketers, or perhaps this is something you have experience in, but the power of these channels shouldn’t be overlooked as you promote your wine.
Tasting Sessions
Moving away from all things digital, a great way to get your new wine brand noticed is to run some tasting sessions. If you are certain you are on to a winner with your new product, then why not show it off and if you can get the right circles drinking and talking about your wine, the sky could be the limit.
Run these at an impressive venue and complement with some appropriate music and of course a befitting menu, and you could well see your new wine promoted naturally, reducing the need for expensive marketing campaigns.
Partner With Some Great Restaurants
What better way to showcase your new wine brand, than in some of the finest eateries in your area. If your product is high calibre, which we have no doubt it will be, then it shouldn’t be too difficult to get top restaurants selling your wine and you could even sweeten the deal by offering a few free cases to begin with. Before long, diners could be ordering your great new wine with their favourite dishes and news will quickly spread about your fantastic new wine. This method can really gather momentum, so just be sure you can handle the demand should things go according to plan or even exceed expectations.
Finally, you could offer samples at high class events and food and drink fayres. If you can get people drinking your wine at these sorts of events then people will quickly be wondering how they can get their hands on bottles or even cases of your new wine.
Pick your events carefully though as you need to ensure you are targeting the right clientele, who can afford your premium product. Get this wrong and you could end up giving away large quantities of wine to individuals who have no intention of buying it. Sampling is however a very solid tactic for promoting your new wine brand!
We hope this guide has helped you to formulate so great ideas for promoting your new wine brand, why not take a look around the rest of our site to see if we may be able to assist with your wine cellarage needs?